Our consumer society has generated a desire in the common man for a level of unthinking convenience. People regularly disrespect learning and the acquisition of skill. People brag about being ignorant or victimized while simultaneously agitating for the money (rather than the ability) to make their lives easier.
American politics is today a giant contest for controls of powers that be to make life easy for the lowest skilled and most helpless people - not those in particular who are actually handicapped (a word not to be uttered), but to the average person who should not be expected to rise on their own merit.
Furthermore, the vulgar and simple-minded are accorded respect in their insolent noise (some call it music) and profane poetry (some call it rap), in their untidy tribal markings (some call it skin art) their illiterate hieroglyphics (some call it emojis) and their obsession over their own appearance.
This is only partially ‘cultural’, in fact it is the infantile replication of a dumbed down economy of luxury that leaves millions of Americans with meaningless work. The drinking of overpriced coffee employs people around the country. You cannot maintain a healthy society on a service economy - what is that but employing a generation of servants? Baristas, drivers, waiters, maids, sitters, photographers - all just descendants of a class of flunkies of the upper class. Only now catering to the affluent of American society, who too are bent out of proper shape by this circle jerk economy.
Nothing signifies one aspect of this foolishness as the industry of subscription boxes for men, in which the most simple act of thinking about what to buy and then finding it has been outsourced.