"...all of the black people shuffle their feet and stare down at the sidewalk when white people walk by."
So, I'm "white" I guess, or at least most of my people came from Europe. The other day I noticed something new, and I'll bet it has become pretty common: nowadays whenever I meet someone who has more melanin than I do, in the back of my mind I wonder if they hate me. It's as if I've been transported back to mindset of a negro in the Jim Crow south, except the shoe is on the other foot. I doubt if that's the desired result of all the fuss about white privilege and so forth, and I doubt if it's going to end well, but that's where we are.
We're all, in some varying degree, addicted to listening to those things which are supposed to be beacons of our progress. And it seems that for millions of Americans who don't have any old, proven ways out of racial stupidity, there are all of these new confusing 'solutions'. The simple-minded of these have the appeal of their simplicity, but they just live inside the shells of the old wrong and immoral ways we have been trying to escape. The shoe on the other foot is exactly what many people want, and the problem is just as bad if not worse.
"...all of the black people shuffle their feet and stare down at the sidewalk when white people walk by."
So, I'm "white" I guess, or at least most of my people came from Europe. The other day I noticed something new, and I'll bet it has become pretty common: nowadays whenever I meet someone who has more melanin than I do, in the back of my mind I wonder if they hate me. It's as if I've been transported back to mindset of a negro in the Jim Crow south, except the shoe is on the other foot. I doubt if that's the desired result of all the fuss about white privilege and so forth, and I doubt if it's going to end well, but that's where we are.
We're all, in some varying degree, addicted to listening to those things which are supposed to be beacons of our progress. And it seems that for millions of Americans who don't have any old, proven ways out of racial stupidity, there are all of these new confusing 'solutions'. The simple-minded of these have the appeal of their simplicity, but they just live inside the shells of the old wrong and immoral ways we have been trying to escape. The shoe on the other foot is exactly what many people want, and the problem is just as bad if not worse.