One can gauged the state of relations of blacks with other groups by the respect and esteem that blacks display towards other blacks. The cultural factors that shape black outlook is unique within America, because no other immigrant group has ever been oppressed, exploited, suffered, or mistreated. Hell the coal miners of the 19th century and the factory workers of the New England mills were treated like royalty. What other group wants monuments built to idolize their drug addicted felons?

Until blacks look to men like George Washington Carver and Booker T. Washington instead of Al Sharpton, Obama, and Jessie Jackson blacks will remain in their exalted status within American society. You can fail many times but you aren't a failure till you blame your failures on others than asking yourself what could I have done differently. In America no one limits your aspirations or your success except yourself.

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That all depends on which black Americans you decide represent black America. I made my choices long ago. https://twitter.com/mdcbowen/status/1546588714314366977

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Reality always trumps personal preference.

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A great read Mr. Bowen. The crisp and expressive language you deploy to express your ideas is both dazzling and inspiring to me.

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Jul 8, 2022Edited
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I use tribes in the context of mimetic sharing. So for me, tribes overlap or are not mutually exclusive. As my civil liberties individualism tribe sorts out the 'omni-american' definition, I will change my definition of tribe accordingly. Or maybe call it 'meme-tribe'. This follows Peter Limberg & Conor Barnes.

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