Mr. Bowen, i read your articles but i have a question about this one. How do you address the issue that more blacks commit violent crimes than other races? And that is one reason why more blacks are killed by cops. Before you rail against this statement, read on. The only violent crimes committed against me were by blacks who mugged me and my girlfriend who was raped by a black man in her car when she stopped at a gas station. I stand by law abiding black families who work hard for a living and are good citizens. They are often in cities where black-on-black crimes are rampant their children are fatal victims. Why don’t the blacks protest against the lawless in their own community? Is it b/c all blacks are “brothers and sisters”? Note: Jews have “goyum shaden” which means “disgrace to Jews who bring shame to us.” Italians blame Sicilians for giving them a ‘badda’ name,” Asians have similar provisos against other Asians who disgrace them. Yet i have never heard a word from the black community about the 10% who bring negative prejudice to honorable black peoples. Note: I live in a mixed-race, safe neighborhood and we all get along well. Sincerely, jules

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I don't address it, primarily because It's not an issue for me. I will discuss why in my next post. I think Americans are fixated on a small set of bourgeois issues and talking about race and crime is a wonky subject that has very little to do with me or my family. I also don't believe there is any such thing as 'the black community' which is a fictional shortcut for people to say something about race with only the most tenuous grip on reality. In other words, it is not black people who cry out for a 'black leader' to whip everyone into some particular shape. But yeah there are still millions of Americans who are vulnerable to such fictions. All you have to say is "Jesse Jackson" and there you have the equation. Who is today's Jesse Jackson? The prospect of it being Barack Obama, whom nobody ever heard of before 2007, raised the whole narrative of a black messiah and a 'post-racial' America. How did that work out?

As soon as you can clearly see black diversity, the question becomes as moot as asking why 'the white community' doesn't deplore the violence of Odessa TX, on demand. Or 'the white community' doesn't excoriate the senseless violence and satanic imagery of heavy metal or punk rock. It then becomes obvious that anybody who does so is playing games. If you don't know any black Americans who hate gangsta rap, you must not get out much. Of course there will always be pretentious sophisticates with particular excuses as to why DMX or Chuck D should represent 'the black community' but we know where they are coming from.

Racial thinking makes an enemy of common sense.

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Thank you for your explicit reply on which i deserved to be educated. The word “Race” is the most dynamic term used today in America. People exploit the word to justify their own intentions. Your reply articulated that an individual cannot be designated into a social category that predetermines his or her character. Personally I judge a person on how they treat me. —jules

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Black people are disproportionately poor for historical reasons. That means they disproportionately commit crimes associated with poverty.

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Here is another take on this issue. I would welcome your comments.


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I did a back of the envelope and stupid 60 minute analysis. I took the top 24 crimeyest MSAs in America (2010) and compared them with the 24 blackest MSAs (2010). The overlap was one, a town called Sumter, SC that nobody has heard of. But I noticed the overlap would be two if I went one more, and that would have been Memphis TN.

Since I'm never really trying to make a point about race as explanatory of anything (except what people think and believe about race) race and crime is far down on any priority. As a matter of public interest I have almost none with the exception of that legislation (now 30 years ago) that established hate crime statutes. I don't care about 'black on black crime'. If racial animus is not the proximate cause for crime, then crime is crime. There's more than enough crime to go around.

So here's the grid of crime by MSA. Make of it what you will.


Essentially my entire argument about crime in the USA is that if you take away the top most crimey cities, the overall crime rate of the country is low by international standards.

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