Apart from #s 1 & 3 I’m with you - the last time I was a progressive, though back then, 1977 it was called a “liberal”. And I’m a proud American Latino, by heritage an inheritor of a 500 year old tradition and by love, admiration and respect an American patriot. With your permission I’ll copy and use your descriptors in my engagements with others without the clarity of their own positions.

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You are with me, brother, and I am also with you.

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Conservatives expect too much of the individual, because they refuse to acknowledge how their own reality is socially constructed, especially their successes in life. In times of rapid social change, the individual gets lost and confused and needs more protection not less.

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I absolutely agree with you when it comes to these 'sovereign citizens' who refuse to be policed.

I imagine that a doctrinaire Conservative would say that's precisely the reason they speak so much about the Judeo-Christian tradition and castigate diversions from it. The idea, I'd bet, that MAGA speaks to the Right is that they believe they had a grip on something substantial and find nothing of value in its wake.

I'm generally against revolution and have no qualms with evolution. I guess in the US the question would be how rapid is necessary. My argument, which could be considered Conservative is that if social change is so rapid that adulthood means something completely different to parents than it does to their young adult children, then this is dislocating social change, which should be avoided.

On the other hand, I don't believe that Neoliberalism really has got its finger on the right pulse. Is it reasonable to say that Clinton, Obama and Biden are consistent? If so, where do Progressives fit in? I say they don't and have successfully radicalized significant elements of American society so that only elites can adapt. I think Chris Rock nailed it in his bit about how flexible the Kardashian women have been. How did Barbara Walters, Oprah Winfrey and Martha Stewart disappear?

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"Higher ground" is here in Mexico (although our house is only about 30 feet above sea level). It's a very libertarian space, which welcomes educated folk. (See the book South to Freedom.) MeridaGOround dot com

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