"Nationhood"? Biologist E.O.Wilson argues that natural selection favors communities over rugged individuals. America's problem seems (to me) to be that the populace defaults to the rugged instead of the collective. (Ooo, collective sounds like socialism: Bad!) Maybe we should ask why America has never been able to form farmers unions? ("Hell, I'm not goin' on strike. I got bills to pay!) Power requires collective resolve. But yo' Daddy nails it when he said 'Christ is Self'!
Somewhere, I'm fairly sure I have written about this very subject, but I forget which angle of things I buried it in. The net lesson was that one cannot judge individuals by the actions of the institutions they are embedded in, and similarly one cannot judge the effectiveness of institutions by virtue of the individuals employed by it. Corporations are not people. People are not corporations. Similarly those benefits one can get by knowing and caring for an individual, no matter how extraordinary do not aggregate even if 50 such individuals ran a corporation. These entities are different in kind, just as surely as I am not the sum of my molecules or cells or organs.
A nation should be able to sustain collectives without it citizenship and the property of its citizenship being collectivized.
Yes, brilliant. That last paragraph ...
"Nationhood"? Biologist E.O.Wilson argues that natural selection favors communities over rugged individuals. America's problem seems (to me) to be that the populace defaults to the rugged instead of the collective. (Ooo, collective sounds like socialism: Bad!) Maybe we should ask why America has never been able to form farmers unions? ("Hell, I'm not goin' on strike. I got bills to pay!) Power requires collective resolve. But yo' Daddy nails it when he said 'Christ is Self'!
Somewhere, I'm fairly sure I have written about this very subject, but I forget which angle of things I buried it in. The net lesson was that one cannot judge individuals by the actions of the institutions they are embedded in, and similarly one cannot judge the effectiveness of institutions by virtue of the individuals employed by it. Corporations are not people. People are not corporations. Similarly those benefits one can get by knowing and caring for an individual, no matter how extraordinary do not aggregate even if 50 such individuals ran a corporation. These entities are different in kind, just as surely as I am not the sum of my molecules or cells or organs.
A nation should be able to sustain collectives without it citizenship and the property of its citizenship being collectivized.