The current system of peer review and publish-or-parish is beyond broken. It's a vicious cycle, a race to the bottom that serves to establish and maintain tribal status rather than advance knowledge. This, too, is different from the vim vitae of the open source ethos. I'm reminded of a Samuel Johnson quote: "Your manuscript is both good and original, but the part that is good is not original and the part that is original is not good."

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It is well past time that the million eyes of America and the open source software review techniques were combined to ride herd on our bloated Federal government and our so-called "representatives". There needs to be an end to logrolling and toxic waste dumps of continuing resolutions. I think X is helping us get there.

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Good post! You said "put into action useful, reliable, transparent systems of maintenance of our civilization." I saw a book review this morning (I think at LATimes BR, courtesy 3QD, which I promptly added to my wish list, titled The SOUL OF CIVILITY : Timeless Principles... ~eric. MeridaGOround.com

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