Jul 16Liked by Michael David Cobb Bowen

Michael, (Mike?) I think this is worth the experiment. Most social media "debates" seems to often devolve quickly into sarcasm, condescendence or just plain name calling. Sometimes, it is hard not to reply in a way that feeds the problem, as one doesn't have time to get into the weeds with people who come across as non-thinking or able to focus or engage on the merits of a position. The good bloggers share interesting (sometimes profound) thoughts that might have a comments section that has good interchanges, but, because of the format, the comments can get to long and disjointed. We'll see what happens for you in this "Hot Bites" format.

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Mike is fine.

When I first came on line, I kept it in mind that I was writing for posterity. I would have liked a bit more interactive bandwidth, which I did get finally when blogs got real. But I never did it for the money or the hits. And now, I hope that I have refined my demeanor so that I encourage people to get to the core of their ideas. I don't think I could have done that until I literally said after 20 odd years of writing. "I really don't have anything else to say to the world. I'm done." And then events made me feel a hole, I started writing again - detached but not disinterested.

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Jul 16Liked by Michael David Cobb Bowen

Can’t hurt to try.

I heard on a podcast recently that the online advertising dollar is spent 90% on the mega sites (Google & Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok), which leaves 10% for literally everything else. All that money going to those few entities has distorted incentives insanely.

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We are all indirectly suffering because of the algorithms. I remember Brandon Tartikoff. He knew the pulse of the people, because he was people.

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It sounds like you want to do a video version of what my man The Political Hat calls "Quick Takes" - bursts of opinion on stuff that he doesn't have enough to say to fill a full essay post, but that he feels deserves some attention. I'm for it.

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