Sep 22, 2022Liked by Michael David Cobb Bowen

This will not be interesting or particularly helpful but I am very grateful for the staggering amount of high qualify content you continue to publish. You manage to mix contemporary events with personal and historical commentary in a uniquely challenging and thoughtful way. I continue to learn and think and reflect from your excellent output and have enjoyed your work for many years now. Scenes from your personal life and commentary on the passage of time are always poignant so maybe more of those.

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Sep 23, 2022Liked by Michael David Cobb Bowen

I would appreciate:

-your thoughts on what it means to be a man in America.

- a summary of your Stoic philosophy. Maybe its out there, so a link would be fine too.

- a top ten list of resources: With reasons. One on race, one on virtue, or whatever you are most passionate about.

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