<blockquote>Why indeed is there no black nationalist leadership in America today? Why wasn’t it the programmatic agenda of the National Urban League that invented and funded the research behind Critical Race Theory? </blockquote>

1. Genuine black nationalist leadership was intelligent, charismatic, effective, and consequently assassinated. https://www.zinnedproject.org/news/tdih/black-panther-party-assassinated/

2. The National Urban League?!?!?!? Never has there been a more neutered bunch of geriatric, lifetime incumbent kneegrow grifters than that sad sack of PMC busters comprising the face of the National Urban League. (Marc Morial was actively stealing and daring anybody to call him on his grift) The now septuagenarian and octogenarian misleadership of these Urban League offices only exist to call attention to how drastically far negroes have fallen.

Anyway, the major hole in your bucket, is that the pan-african nationalist ghoul-ash concocted on the West Coast always and everywhere lacked both testicular fortitude and charismatic romance. Kwanzaa is an unattractive shitshow on paper, in practice OMG!!!!!

But let there be another Fred Hampton, El Hajj Malik Shabazz, or even Harold Moore Jr. on the national stage, and then we'll just have to see, won't we? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khalid_Abdul_Muhammad

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The challenges that faced black nationalist thinking was genuinely more daunting and complex in yesterday's America. Solving the Negro Problem was deep. After the passage of anti-discrimination law and the ascent of the radical black fiction of the era, the major intellectual difficulty was handled. Our generation had only to integrate and take advantage of having no dual-consciousness demons, especially those who did not suffer ghetto trauma. The world of predominately white higher educations into which the following generation could demand their post-modern, post-colonial safe spaces could not and did not attract the same caliber of thinker.

BTW. Someone passed this link to me this morning. I thought of you first, but then thought better of it. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2020/07/20/the-argument-of-afropessimism?s=09

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Glad you thought better of it. This here is about the only thing that makes me afropessimistic https://www.wired.com/story/alondra-nelson-make-science-tech-more-just/ smdh....,

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Yeah I have some interest in seeing where AI goes, but I think a lot of AI is exactly like shitcoin hype. So policy wonks who analyze the hype are a couple of moments behind the curve. In the end, AI is a tool that serves its masters - because it can't and won't leave the lab until it has proven itself adequate to some task. The aggregation of those tasks will not become an industry until Wall Street thinks so, so let's see refrigerator inventory AIs disintermediate housewives and then we'll see who's actually vulnerable.

The bigger problem is surveillance capitalism, and the arms-distance it puts actual people to 'business managers'. There's a big map v territory problem in big data. I know this for sure. I suspect that all of this AI racial fear uncertainty and doubt is a rehash of the entire NUD controversy of 2003. It also checks off the box of 'unconscious bias', so there's that. https://cobb.typepad.com/cobb/2003/07/nudnicks_on_the.html

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Robert Mercer style training of neural networks is NOT going to be held up in ANY meaningful fashion by SJW language complaints. When you pull back from chickenheaded consumers, now 15 years into the no lives matter movement, there's entirely too much species value and need bound up along that vector to tap the breaks for the offended-ness on the part of sensitive and artificially empowered voices.

Some folks just need to wise up and embrace the humility appropriate to members of the rump professional classes....,


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"The challenges that faced black nationalist thinking was genuinely more daunting and complex in yesterday's America. Solving the Negro Problem was deep. After the passage of anti-discrimination law and the ascent of the radical black fiction of the era, the major intellectual difficulty was handled."

Really? Was It?

"Our generation had only to integrate and take advantage of having no dual-consciousness demons, especially those who did not suffer ghetto trauma."

What is "ghetto trauma"? The so-called near-northeast "ghetto" that I grew up in was 99% black, vocationally, religiously, technologically, and socio-economically more diverse than ANYTHING I've witnessed outside the empyrean precincts of MIT itself.

I was unapologetically and arrogantly black <b>PRECISELY BECAUSE OF</b> the hood I grew up in. Did all that hawt california sunshine wash that autarkic spunk out of the migratory negroes who congregated into LA and the Bay area? Serious kwestin here - cause country negroes stayed real as phugg back out'chere in flyover - in all our glorious countrified diversity.

"The world of predominately white higher educations into which the following generation could demand their post-modern, post-colonial safe spaces could not and did not attract the same caliber of thinker."

What, was Wichita State or Friends University going to buy off the best and brightest black minds in mid-Kansas?!?! C'mon brah....,

OTOH, the establishment DID shoot, run off, and buy off the best trained, best educated black minds in Kansas City.


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The second string of any NBA team can wipe up the floor with the minor leaguers. I find it difficult to believe that the black American starters were totally eliminated and the second team could not execute jack. I say they simply didn't want to coalesce an agenda and execute it for the sole purposes of some ethnocentric dynasty. Instead they decided to go their own way, even if that way was somewhere other than America.

Being unapologetically and arrogantly black is a position that is existentially compatible with Nietzsche. So what? OTOH if you want to buy into the the premise that all black liberation strategies were inherently Marxist, then I think you're barking up the wrong tree.

I absolutely think country mice are right and properly going to formulate strategies that are different from city mice, especially us mice here in the sun, mixing it up with Japanese, Koreans, ex-Texan blacks and a host of other sorts of urban types. Call it real if you like, but that's just culturally specific to the sorts of problems your lot had to solve, which are not and could not be universal. Theorists of universal solutions migrate to joints like MIT where they might get universal attention, iff the universalists tap them.

On the whole, however, I think there's a bit of credibility to the simple idea that all black Americans ever had to do was exhibit a modicum of courage and fortitude amongst their neighbors and make some actual space under the framework already established for Enlightenment individuals in the deep realm of Western religion, philosophy and culture. It didn't take a nation of millions to hold us back, it took backwater hicks and a couple rifles.

I would also underscore vis ghetto trauma is that black diversity was real in segregated residential areas, and black iron sharpened black iron. It was when that diversity was reduced when the true underclass was born.

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"especially us mice here in the sun, mixing it up with Japanese, Koreans, ex-Texan blacks and a host of other sorts of urban types. Call it real if you like, but that's just culturally specific to the sorts of problems your lot had to solve, which are not and could not be universal."

Please dood, there are at present 2 Billion humans residing in the informal sectors of global megacities. There are projected to be an additional 2.5 billion added to this roster by 2040. Nothing special about the urban rodents accept for the specialty needs of governance of all those bodies absent formal standing as property tax paying citizens. You get your medical record and your genome on your cell phone and that becomes your real ID. Period.

Country folk still intent on owning property and resisting the soylent future just around that signpost up ahead for attention-seeking and clout chasing city rodents.

"It didn't take a nation of millions to hold us back, it took backwater hicks and a couple rifles."

rotflmbao..., Truman and Eisenhower must've been incognito city boys..., STAHP!!! Do Better....,

"black iron sharpened black iron. It was when that diversity was reduced when the true underclass was born."

Lot of negroes couldn't WAIT to get to that greener grass and colder ice..., everything else that followed from their collective kneejerk is simply conversation.

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It took me a minute to figure out what this panicdemic and economic reset was actually intended to accomplish, but I feel better for having patiently laid back in the cut trying to figure what it was all about, rather than jerking around the knee on Bill Gates, muh "freedom" or other such simple minded tropes.

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