Good stuff.

A small re-alignment: Cosby was a convicted rapist (though that was overthrown somehow, I think we all saw, heard and read enough to have a sense of the gravity of the charges); CK jacked off in front of female comics who, while they did not want it to happen, weren’t raped. There were no legal charges, nor conviction. You have a point to make; I get it. But this false comparison weakens it. I think you could find a better one.

As I said: good stuff.

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If "I've paid my debt to society" means nothing in this culture, then every offense may as well merit a death penalty. The point of Cancelville is that your history is erased and nothing good you've contributed to your nation can be credited to you any longer. I can understand why that worked for Chairman Mao, but we should have a more liberal standard. A society that cannot be merciful encourages extreme acts. In for a politically incorrect penny, in for a felonious pound.

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But also, Louis CK was never the symbol or icon Cosby had become before his downfall. Idols fall, when they fall, a lot harder than “mere men”, particularly when they’re symbols of “respectability” and moral rectitude.

Is”Noah” still a funny bit? Is “Yes Yes Yes”? Yeah, but it’s not ever going to be without a serious tinge of bitterness, now…

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