Jul 16, 2021Liked by Michael David Cobb Bowen

"It is not as chaotic as it seems." That statement strikes me as accurate and important, although for me perhaps somewhat different, but nonetheless, complementary reasons. As an American who has spent the second half of nearly 80 years in Australia I felt the 'disturbance in the force' caused by Brexit more strongly from my Commonwealth perspective. So the election of Trump felt more like an aftershock than the complete shock it apparently did to many Americans. So in my view it has been obvious that something deeper was going on, something arising from a deeper level - what I think you may be indicating with "posterity, humanity and mankind". To be upfront, as a Jungian, I think of it as the 'collective unconscious', but in any case we, the people, are more than, and deeper than the creators of Matrices, and Echo Chambers, or deniably led organisations. So, no, you are not a "Rare Black Unicorn" who can smell the faux flowers of Critical Race Theory but a fellow American who thinks, like me, how the "Darkhorse Guys" go could prove significant. BTW, JD Vance, another node on the network, pointed out to Dave Rubin that it took Nigel Farage 25 years to bring about Brexit and that Americans should be prepared for a similar timeframe to work things through. No, I don't know where things are going to end up, and I am a lot more confident that I am unlikely to live to see much in the way of an outcome and therefore recognise that I will have to leave that in the capable of younger people like like Lindsay, Pluckrose, and your good self.

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Networks are interesting -- how does one build and grow them, particularly if one starts off from a position of little or no power. I would humbly suggest studying St Bathilde and how she developed networks in the church which enable her to take power and control all three countries of the Merovingian Empire in the 660s. She is also the person responsible for closing the Christian slave markets which led less than a generation later to feudalism (being owned by the land). The remnants of feudalism in Europe remain today. But her stance (she was a former slave) moved the Church to condemning the enslaving of Christians, a stance which Isabella and Ferdinand used as a reason to wage war against the Moors. I believe the stance is reversed in mid 17 century.

Unfortunately she is also overlooked and people think that slavery died out in Europe. It is always more complex.

Part of my trouble with 1619 is various things were ignored in order to fit the narrative and thus it ignores the ratcheting up and its long term consequences.

But network building and how people use existing networks and how inadvertent barriers can be created to the detriment of the thing the network is supposed to serve is a really interesting study.

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