Might you consider joining Parler when it once again becomes active?

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I would consider rejoining it, but it would just split my time one more way. These days I'm trying to focus and simplify. My brother is a great deal more partisanly active and I would never be as popular as him. Plus he speaks cop. So I think he has that angle covered and to that extent I would be redundant. My primary tribal association is the IDW and I am most highly motivated to work against the crisis of rationality. That's the kind of writer I most aim to be. That said, the best of my time as a conservative thinker (rather than stoic thinker) is often quite relevant, and there is always something good to be said about that being well-done. In that way I can contribute.

I haven't made up my mind about the political Right's chances to capture the center.

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Thanks for this well-thought and articulated piece, which after reading through others is a thanks that would be redundant in my second and future comments on your posts so I won’t repeat. I first had to look up meanings for regress and fungibility to ensure I understood your argument. You took care in laying out an approach to life that I learned growing up in an aviating family. Shorthand-when your engine fails your chance of survival is not improved by the air above your wings, the ground behind you, or the gas you didn’t put in your tank.

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