Man, you use several words, but this was an unusually easy read. Can you speak in shorthand? Rumi passed out when he found chockie cake with the right human...yes we die, and the point is to find the humans that make you pass out. Satori. Zen. Been there, doing that.

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I am writing to be a writer. There are a million journalists out there. Another million political pundits who abuse metaphors like a jackal steals antelope ham from lions. Those people are useless and they make their readers useless. That's why nobody reads movie reviews any longer. They just want a rotten tomato number. Sucks to be them. I am rococo. I am expressive, over the top of the moon and under the bottom of the volcano. I am excessive and evocative, and I am going to shit sunshine all over everything.

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I’m very sorry, I believe I was misunderstood in my brevity. Plus, with written text, you lose the wiggle of eyebrows and smarty pants teasing tone. I note that each word of yours is placed like a tile in a mosaic, to build a mural of thought. I’ve only replied the first time in which I praised your style of both thought and writing and also mentioned that I wouldn’t fawn over it each time I commented because I thought I established myself as a major fan of your approach to discourse. It is a rare mind that can add to bringing new thought into the world and you are clearly one of that ilk, again, I offer my sincere apologies and I look forward to your next post.

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