I will quibble with “manufactured for the masses was shite”. Everything that comes out of the matter compiler is functional. The blankets will keep you warm, & you can sleep on the mattresses. There is no variety, & it only meets minimum requirements, but I wouldn’t call it crap. You are right that the Victorians created & maintained a society that could hire & keep craftsmen who created high quality items.

Stoicism - I credit you for helping me recognize my inner Stoic. There are many things, that I can’t control or do anything about directly, and I don’t let the vast majority of them, as important as they may be, eat me up. I’m still political, & conservative, because of the threat of the PRC, & how much I hate communism. It doesn’t eat me up, but it does make me mad, & I try to get the word our about how truly awful they have been, & how they are still doing tremendously awful things. I can’t be stoic about the PRC.

Thanks for the video. I had taken this kind of thing as read, but it helped to see it laid out starkly. If you see anything else that’s this simple & direct on any issue, let your readers know!

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Yes, functional but not beautiful. There was no pride of ownership. Kind of like the low income housing. I’m thinking of Russians in track suits. This was on my mind because I sense the Leica and Hasselblad are going out of business. Same with GoPro. I mean basically photojournalism is dead. But I have a lot to say about that… Hmmm.

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