This was really clarifying and enlightening for me, thanks Michael! I've never really been able to wrap my head around why black conservatism is so stigmatized/ignored in mainstream discourse, despite the fact that so much of what I've heard from that realm has seemed extremely reasonable to me - and actually tethered to the reality in a meaningful way, unlike 'Woke Leftism'.

Are any other members of The Conservative Brotherhood still actively writing online?

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Joseph C Phillips had a couple ventures afterward. Afronerd has a fairly big following on Twitter as does Rattler Gator. I expect Michael King is still a big deal in Atlanta, but I haven't followed up. Juliette Baldilocks Ocheing wrote a book. I still see her on Facebook. I also see Samantha Pierce, Darmon Thornton and Ambra Benjamin there as well. But I really do not follow partisan shenanigans. Shay Riley's "Booker Rising" became the defacto core of the Brotherhood. It was the most popular of all of the blogs with the exception of La Shawn Barber's. La Shawn was the prototype for Candace Owens. I have no idea where she disappeared to. JCP and Juliette were the closest to me personally and Avery Tooley was the closest in temperament. I follow him now on Twitter.

Every other year I consider restarting the Brotherhood. I did put up a static site at conservativebrotherhood.org with an archive of my writing. It needs a little maintenance.

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Just found this old article: https://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/09/nyregion/09repubblog.html

Struck by this bit: "Kimberly Brown, 26, a personal trainer in Chicago, said she lost about 100 friends from her MySpace page after she revealed that she was Republican"

12 years later... how does black conservatism fare on Twitter and Facebook?

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I'm pretty sure there is a hashtag that they congregate around on Twitter. The only one I know for sure is #tcot. My brother Doc hangs out at Parler and he says he got 50 followers on the first day. I haven't had time and I don't think I'm missing anything. There are still a lot of black conservatives in my Facebook friends list and I know when one or two of them go live, they draw bigger audiences than I do for sure. Joseph C Phillips has 4800 friends and over 3000 followers. YouTube is where the big shots are - follower-wise. You should check out the Hodge Twins. Funny as hell. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFfD9fWqkT4PNy7v6r8ilmg

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Thanks Michael! Will check them out - always looking for a good laugh in these times.

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Thanks! I'll look into their work. It would be very interesting to see an exchange between the Brotherhood in the current context.

On a side note, podcasts seem to have really become the main stage for getting ideas out there these days - will you be continuing American Wag? (Technical note: I've really enjoyed your previous episodes, but don't use FB. I'd be very happy to subscribe on Apple Podcasts if you ever get it on there.)

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I'm not getting out to hang with Marc as much as I'd like. He's either swamped or traveling. I'm also working on my novel so I don't have as much time as I'd like. But I expect I can get two or three more before the end of the year.

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Understandable! Looking forward to the novel.

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