Sitemap - 2023 - Stoic Observations

Bowen & Twyman Speak Out

The Pessimist's Edge

Merry Christmas

What Americans Think Europeans Think

The Raceless Edition

TLDR: The Enemy

The Policy Excuse

St. George Revisited

Running of the Monitor

On Privilege

Passion Without Purpose

The Plessy & Parks Scenario

The Stoic Samurai

How Israel Makes You Stupid

The Black Endgame

Hot Takes

The Shtetl Man

The Trash Experience

The American Palace

Notions of Nationhood

The Realm of Coercion

Intifada or Jihad?

Cricket Flour

The Nationalization of the American Psyche

The Public Speaker

In Sheep's Clothing

The Post-Negro Citizen

MLK: The Last Negro

Ugly, Stupid, Feeble and Lazy

North of Nebraska


A Choice of Slaveries

Assessing the Negative

Deadly Curiosity

Giant Step

With No Further Assistance or Guidance From You

Expectations of the World

Grabby Humans & The Idiocracy Heuristic


The Dirtiest Laundry

I Hate Florida

How Stoics Win

Meritocracy & Feudalism

The Logos Project Restated

Black Panther or Blade?

The Spirit of Independence

Welcome to My Worldview

The New Diversity

The Bravery of Being Out of Range

The Werewolf

Robert Baer & Geopolitical Agency

The Kwanzaa Reference

Regression to the Digital Mean

The Great Grand Boss

The Black Card

I'm Squinty

The Old School

A Firelight Mourning

The Black Diversity Argument

Connecticut Yankee AI

Gnosis: The Third Leg of Western Civilization

A Letter to Gabriel Reyes

AI Fear Itself

Why Can't We Be Citizens?

On Parental Consent

Several AI Scenarios

Maggie's Mom

Data Engineering vs Data Science

The Relationship Commitment Elevator

The Infinitely Pliable Shit Shield

Save Your Mind With Buckets

What I Don't Know About Women

Unbelonging, Indifference & The Apocalypse

Messages to the Black Man

Artificial Intelligence vs The Intelligence Service

Living Under A Rock

Wouldn't You Pay To Watch Walter Cronkite?

Chris Rock & The Four Violations

The Engineering Path Not Taken

The Coming Crisis

AIs Teach Humans to be Human

Why is Woke?

Trash and Treasure

Lovecraftian Tonic

The Washington Outsider

How To Game The Race Game

Why I Don't Fear AI

A Denial of Free Will

American Prisons, Honor Killing & The Innocence of Muslims

Words of Advice for Young [Black Male] People

Vinay Gupta's Secular Northstar

The Scrub


On Elon

Paris While Black

Social Justice, Moral Agency & American Posers

Rethinking Race

Black Suffering

Gas Math

Two Takes on Intelligence

I've Been Up To Cambridge & Meta-Stoics

The Cabin of Secrets

Postmodern Permissive Liberty

On Twitter Seduction